Getting involved with student life can add loads of fun to your college years. Even if you’re approaching the end of your college years, it’s never too late to get involved on campus. Participating in college groups and activities open up a whole new world of opportunities in a professional aspect. The following are some great ways to get involved on campus you might have not known about.
Get Involved With College Athletics
Whether it’s intramural or competitive level sports, joining these programs can benefit students in various ways. Apart from being a fun experience, you’ll also meet plenty of people with the same interests as you. Sports teams teach athletes how to work well with others and look past any differences. It’s also a great way to stay active and promote a healthy life.
Don’t worry if you’re not the best athlete, there are other ways to get involved with sports on campus. Attending games and cheer events like tailgates, marches, and pep rallies is a fun way to connect with the team. Even if the college or university you attend isn’t big on traditions, you can always get a group of friends and become a trendsetter!
Attend Events on Campus
Don’t neglect the free events that are held on campus. Every college and university has its calendar filled with frequent events including – music, theater performances, movie screenings, dances, comedy shows, festivals, and more. Most of the events are free for students or are offered at a discounted price. Nevertheless, they’re great if you are looking to do something new but don’t have tons of money to spend.
Get Involved With Greek Life
Joining a sorority or fraternity can help you enter into heavily influential social circles. Some of these organizations require applications, “tryouts”, and money to get in, but they can help provide you with plenty of support and recommendations in your professional career. Greek life organizations are proactive and get involved with the student community by volunteering, supporting their college sports teams, and giving back to the rest of the community. All of these things can help you build a strong resume and make great connections that can last a lifetime.
Get Involved With the Student Government
Are you a great leader or looking to voice the opinions and beliefs of others? Participating in the student government can help you do just that as well as build a top-notch resume. Student governments allow participants to develop leadership skills while making decisions that can help the student body. Participants also get valuable information on future events and decisions that affect student life.
Join a Student Club
If you’re looking to meet new people with the same interests as you, a student club or organization is your best bet. Do some research and find out what kind of student clubs currently exist at your college. You’d be surprised at some of the causes and interests behind student groups. Some clubs are based on trading card games, video games, fashion, fitness, political views, social views, and other like activities or views.
Don’t worry if you can’t seem to find one that catches your attention. You can always find a group of classmates and start your own club. Just make sure to check with your local student services center to learn how you can start your own student club.
One important factor to consider before joining a campus club is the meeting dates. You don’t want to end up with a busy schedule that may affect your grades.
Tutor Other Students
Study labs are always looking for extra tutors to help share their knowledge in every subject. It’s especially a great idea to tutor other students if you’re finding class easy to do. Besides, it’ll help you gain valuable experience and earn some cash. You can start by checking if your department has any open positions for student tutors. If not, you can try finding another tutoring center on campus that focuses on any of the subjects you are good at.
Volunteer On Campus
Colleges and universities always have something they may need a hand on. There are plenty of events and classes that may need help setting up equipment and running the show. Although volunteering may not earn you any money, it can help you earn some experience and a recommendation letter from a teacher or other professionals. Having some accumulated volunteer hours will help add on to your list of skills and can make up for experience on your resume. Keep an eye out for volunteer positions with professors, student groups, and event coordinators on campus.
Attend Open Lectures Series
Some colleges and universities host interesting lecture series open to the public. These lecture series can cover important political issues, art, music, food, and other intriguing topics. Be sure to add these to your to-do list because it’s hard to find these anywhere else. Some institutions even invite celebrities and in-depth experts to cover certain topics. You just never know what can happen at a lecture series!
Work On Campus
Having a job on campus can help you earn some cash and get involved with the student community. It’s a great way to meet new people and connections while serving your peers. Campus jobs can also help you get a better feel of the culture and what the institution is all about. Another perk of working on campus is how close and flexible some positions may be around your class schedule. This way, you won’t have to worry about being able to make it in time for a lecture or vise versa.
Join a Research Group
Research groups are very important to the academic side of any institution. Most of the time, research projects are conducted with students that receive credit hours or some kind of pay in return for their time. By the time you graduate, you can already have contributed to some major accomplishments. Think about it, you’ll be contributing to important studies that can not only help on campus but millions of people across the globe. Now that would help build a pretty interesting resume if you ask us.
Become a Student Mentor
It’s never too early to become a student mentor. Year after year there are plenty of freshmen that are looking for some guidance that upperclassmen usually have. All you have to do is volunteer through student advising on campus. From housing to financial advice, you’ll be able to help plenty of students get the advice you wish you had when you were a freshman.
Show Visitors Around Campus
Showing folks around the school is a great way to get involved on campus. Giving campus tours is also a great way to positively show your school pride. You’ll learn plenty about the history behind buildings and attractions around campus and share it with others. Giving visitors a good experience can also help your college or university win over future students.
Give Back to Your School
Any good dead that comes from the heart is worth doing. You might not have all the money in the world – because you’re still a student – but that doesn’t mean you can’t give back to your school. Even if it’s a simple donation, giving back to the college that shaped you is something everyone will appreciate. Today, many students that are about to graduate like to donate art pieces, music, books, and other noteworthy valuables. Not only does it help you get involved on campus, but it also helps you add on to the school’s rich history and culture. You can also find out other ways to give back to your school without having to spend too much.
No matter what you decide to do to get involved at school, always remember to have some fun. Make your college years worth the experience!